At Briess we are proud of supporting and engaging with homebrewers for decades. Now we are reinvesting in our line of Liquid Malt Extracts with new label designs. Many people started homebrewing during the pandemic, and now that our country is emerging from that period we’re giving our product line a fresh look.
Briess LMEs enable the homebrewer to easily add the necessary malt to the recipe with confidence it will consistently deliver the malt flavor and color desired.
The new Homebrew canister designs align with the new look of Briess’ Brew website.
It’s important to remember the past, live in the present, and plan for the future. Here’s a snapshot of the original six LME canister designs that were introduced when Briess commissioned the Extract manufacturing plant in 2001.

Pictured below is the most recent Homebrew canister design that was launched a decade ago. As demand evolved over time, we discontinued slow-selling items including CBW® Special Dark, CBW® Porter, CBW® Rye, and (not pictured) CBW® Goldpils® Vienna. Based on the growing popularity of Pale Ale, we added CBW® Pale Ale rounding out our current portfolio with eight varieties of malt extracts.

Design updates are vital to the success of a product line, and it became time to update ours. Briess branding is represented with our fresh white logo, replacing earlier versions as a “luggage tag” and one with burnt edges. In the background, you’ll see imagery from the Chilton Malting Company, celebrating the 120-year history of the Chilton Malthouse before it was shut down in Q4 2021. Briess’ original Czech malthouse started up in 1876, and that facility is recognized on one of the side panels.
Beer glass styles are important for everyone who brews and enjoys beer. The new designs have a stronger focus on different beer glasses reflecting each style. We want to make sure homebrewers don’t have the experience of drinking a porter in a pilsner glass! 😊
When turning the canister to the right you’ll see the ingredient panel. A new feature is showing the actual malt kernels above the ingredient panel. At Briess we’re obsessively focused on the quality and consistency of our malt, and homebrewers can be confident they will be brewing with the finest handcrafted malt. That focus is why Briess is the #1 supplier of specialty malt to professional craft brewers in the U.S.
We hope that as you connect with your nearest homebrew retailer or online via an e-commerce retailer; you’re brewing with Briess’ liquid malt extract. Look for these new designs to start appearing on retail stores shelves and homebrew kits this summer.
