We’ve just wrapped up another successful edition of our Malt & Brew Workshop with 46 brewers in attendance from 27 different breweries. Day one was Base Malt Day and we had excellent guest speaker presentations from retired AB luminary Joe Hertrich “Malting Barley: Production and Acquisition,” Founders Alec Mull “Mashing into a Lauter Tun: Benefits, Challenges and Considerations” and retired Sierra Nevada Brewing Steve Dresler on “The Early Years of Craft”–outstanding stuff. We then all jumped on the bus and headed over for the 50 cent tour of our Manitowoc Malthouse Operations followed by a group dinner on the rooftop of the Maritime Museum overlooking Lake Michigan. Day two was Specialty Malt Day with presentations on specialty malts production and application followed by a tour of our Chilton Malthouse and our roasters. We concluded the day with a sensory workshop and tours of our 500BBL Brewhouse and Extract Facility. All in all another great Malt & Brew Workshop in the books, a number of good photos below! Put it on your calendar for next year August 20-22, 2019 for our 10th anniversary workshop.