If you visited the Briess Booth at the Craft Brewers Conference in Denver, Colorado, then you already know we have officially launched our Blonde RoastOat® Malt. You may have experienced the captivating chew of its roasted kernels and the delicious drink of its featured beer: RoastOat® Red, an Irish Red Ale crafted in the Briess Pilot Brewery (check out the Pilot Brewery recipe notes below):
74% Synergy Select Pilsen Malt
20% Blonde RoastOat® Malt
6% Caramel Malt 80L
0.3 oz/bbl East Kent Golding (4.5% aa), 60-minute boil
Irish Ale Yeast
OG = 1.048
FG = 1.014
IBU = 20
ABV = 4.5%
For those who did not get a chance to attend CBC and have these flavorful experiences, look no further than this blog for your sensory introduction to Blonde RoastOat® Malt!
Hot Steep wort prepared with 50% Blonde RoastOat® Malt and 50% Brewers Malt produces a dark yellow hue with a low to moderate haze. Dominant aromas are derived from the Bready, Grainy, Nutty, Cracker, and Breakfast Cereal categories of the Specialty Malt Flavor Map. The medium body wort has a low level of sweetness and leaves a light coating sensation in the mouth.

Please contact your regional Briess representative for details or samples. For additional information relating to malt analysis, storage, usage and applications, download our Blonde RoastOat® Malt Typical Analysis Sheet.